Is a project we will execute in partnership with Te Mana Pono O Te Rangatira Leadership Foundation. This Trust was established to promote the well-being of individuals and their families by providing information and support, leading and enabling them to move towards greater social and economic independence as well as the ability to achieve their maximum potential.
The Trust is predominantly concerned with the provision of accessible and empowering services for at risk children, taane and their families. The organisation is committed to the prevention of child abuse and the protection of children, as well as creating strong individuals who contribute to their community. This commitment means that the interests and welfare of children and taane will always be paramount. It is through the interventions with families that we have identified the need to provide transitional housing for taane.
Te Mana Pono will utilise current services to achieve the desired outcomes in partnership with Ministry of Justice and other government and non government agencies and stakeholders. To enable taane to return successfully to their permanent care giving placement (whanau) or alternative placement that will support their needs.
As a kaupapa Maori service in Tairawhiti, Te Mana Pono look at today’s social issues through a Maori lens. The evidence is shown through the large numbers of our Maori people that are incarcerated within prisons and youth prisons, that a response is needed. As a preventative measure; Te Whare O Nga Ariki will provide support to both taane and where possible their whanau to address Maori going into prison.
This community housing project is being developed by GPC Limited and the Mātou Kāinga Māori Housing & Development Initiative.
This specific project comprises:
The construction of a purpose designed Leadership Academy at Whatatutu Gisborne to home and support up to eight (8) male youth aged 16 to 21. The call to action is to build residential housing suited to provide long and short-term accommodation with wrap around support services for Rangatahi classified low risk to the community.
Whatatutu is seen as an idyllic location and community to build this vision due to being situated on a very special whenua that has ready access to awa, maunga and a pa site that has been built as part of the Rangatahi experience while they share a part of their life journey with us as whangai.
The land required is available, the community is behind us, and access to a range of construction solutions will help open the doors sooner rather than later.